The World, the Life





Economic, environmental,School and Training

Personal Freedom



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1st Individual freedom is our most important asset.

2nd Political decisions must, as appropriate, be made

without favoring any interest groups.

3rd For important decisions must be made a national


4th Laws and regulations must be kept to a minimum

necessary for order and security. They must not be

influenced by ideology or interest groups.

5th No state has the right to hurt or kill people. Except

for self-defense and protection of fundamental rights and

the state, and to prevent dangerous situations and Allen,

which is contrary to this principle ..

6th As long as this other persons or the general public

will be no damage on the interests of individuals, in

which the general public.

7th It should children be forced on any religion or

something similar. This can cause permanent damage

(such as religious fanatics). Better yet, this principle and

may take the items specified in Chapter religion as

reformatory. Further, please refer to Item 9

8th Everyone has the right to life in every country in the

world to earn a living, so far he is willing to adapt to the

customs and social order in the country which they are

responsible with this principle.

9th Everyone has the right to religion or belief of his

choice. This can not however be imposed by society, or

education, but based on his own convictions. Others,

however, he may not bother you with it against their will.

Jesus, Mohammed and all the other founders of great

religions, it did so, and not the people are forced to their

intuition, their names are kept in wars and murders



Many problems will be solved by itself, if people will

understand that their life has no particular position on this

planet, but only one of many that are all equal.

The behaviour of every life is programmed, including

that of humans. This should also be observed in

regulations and laws.

The thing with the crown of creation, roughly speaking:



© Rainer Nemayer / R. Nemayer International Limited 2011